
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Great Diagram to Follow with Pines


  1. I'm confused. When does each thing take place?

    On the left side: Why don't I touch the weak ones?

    The right side makes sense to me, but when do I do this?

  2. In regards to timing: Different pine species require pruning at slight but different times of the year. Different climates will also affect the advancement of your tree's growth as well.
    To ensure that your tree is pruned correctly and at the right time when your tree is ready and not simply because it is a certain time of the year it is much easier to learn to prune your pine by observation of the growth pattern of your own tree and in your own environment.

    Weak Ones:
    The tree is in the middle of its growing season when the the above is performed, it will respond quickly with an abundance of new buds around the wounds left, and it will all so trigger the growth off dormant and weak buds along the rest of the branch again depending on where you live this will happen in between 2 and 4 weeks. And because you have given the weak zones a big head start in the strong zones by leaving them alone, you have balanced the energy distribution to the different zones a great deal already.
